Biomaterial Structural Design Lab.

“The joy of discovery is certainly the liveliest that the mind of man can ever feel”
- Claude Bernard -
Journal Publications (32篇SCI, 4篇甲種期刊, 1篇研究報告)

Y.-C. Chien, J.-H. Wu, C.-H. Shu, J.-T. Lo, T.-C. Yang (2024.10) Closed-Loop Recycling of 3D-Printed Wood–PLA Composite Parts: Eff ects on Mechanical and Structural Properties via Fused Filament Fabrication. Polymers, 16:3002. (SCI)
C.-H. Yeh, J.-H. Wu, T.-C. Yang (2024.2) Drying shrinkage and mechanical strength of cementitious composites with alkali-treated makino bamboo fibers. Journal of Natural Fibers, 21:2321531. (SCI)
Y.-C. Chien, T.-C. Yang (2024.1) Properties of Heat-Treated Wood Fiber–Polylactic Acid Composite Filaments and 3D-Printed Parts Using Fused Filament Fabrication. Polymers, 16:302. (SCI)
C.-H. Yeh, T.-C. Yang (2023.11) Effects of vacuum heat-treated waste bamboo fibers on the drying shrinkage and mechanical properties of cementitious composites. Case Studies in Construction Materials, 19:e02646. (SCI)
簡昱宸、楊登鈞 (2023.9) 添加國產孟宗竹纖維於聚乳酸基質製備 3D 列印複合材線材之可行性。林業研究季刊 45(3):225-240。
T.-C. Yang, Z.-S. Hua, H.-T. Hu (2023) Physical and mechanical properties of the cement composite with makino bamboo fibers disintegrated by alkali treatment. Wood Material Science & Engineering, 18:1076-1085. (SCI)
T.-C. Yang, M.-J. Chung, C.-H. Yeh (2023) Effects of flexural configuration and thermal modification on the physical and flexural properties of makino bamboo (Phyllostachys makinoi). Wood Material Science & Engineering, 18:402-411. (SCI)
楊登鈞、楊祐瑄 (2023.1) 杉木纖維添加量對水泥複合材物理機械性質之影響。林業研究季刊 45(1):1-14。
楊登鈞、李東穎、莊閔傑 (2022.3) 評估臺灣櫸造林木做為薄片型集成材料之性質。國立臺灣大學生物資源暨農學院實驗林研究報告 36(1):1-12。
Y.-H. Yang, M.-J. Chung, T.-L. Wu, C.-H. Yeh, T.-C. Yang (2022.1) Characteristic Properties of a Bamboo-Based Board Combined with Bamboo Veneers and Vacuum Heat-Treated Round Bamboo Sticks Polymers, 14:560. (SCI)
T.-C. Yang, M.-J. Chung. T.-L. Wu, C.-H. Yeh (2021.9) Physicomechanical properties and water resistance of heat-modified moso bamboo (Phyllostachys pubescens) as a function of density. Construction and Building Materials, 306:124897. (SCI)
T.-C. Yang, H.-Y. Yang (2021.5) Strain analysis of Moso bamboo (Phyllostachys pubescens) subjected to longitudinal tensile force. Materials Today Communications, 28:102491. (SCI)
T.-C. Yang, T.-L. Wu, C.-H. Yeh (2021.4) Water resistance and creep behavior of heat-treated moso bamboo determined by the stepped isostress method. Polymers, 13:1264. (SCI)
T.-C. Yang, C.-H. Yeh (2021.4) Characteristics of unidirectional green wood fiber/PLA composite (WPC) parts printed with various layer thicknesses by fused filament fabrication (FFF). 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing, Epub ahead of print. (SCI)
T.-C. Yang, S.-W. Chang, H.-T. Hu (2021.3) Nonlinear Failure Analyses of Fiber-Reinforced Composite Laminates Subjected to Pin Stress and Washer Clamping Pressure. 中國土木水利工程學刊, Vol. 33,No. 1. (EI)
T.-C. Yang, Y.-H. Yang, C.-H. Yeh (2021.1) Thermal decomposition behavior of thin Makino bamboo (Phyllostachys makinoi) slivers under nitrogen atmosphere. Materials Today Communications, 26:102054. (SCI)
T.-C. Yang, C.-H. Yeh (2020.6) Morphology and mechanical properties of 3D printed wood fiber/polylactic acid composite parts using fused deposition modeling (FDM): The effects of printing speed. Polymers, 12(6):1334. (SCI)
C.-H. Yeh, T.-C. Yang (2020.3) Utilization of waste bamboo fibers in thermoplastic composites: Influence of the chemical composition and thermal decomposition behavior. Polymers, 12(3):636. (SCI)
Y.-S. Jhu, T.-C. Yang, K.-C. Hung, J.-W. Xu, T.-L. Wu, J.-H. Wu (2019.6) Nonisothermal crystallization kinetics of acetylated bamboo fiber-reinforced polypropylene composites. Polymers, 11(6):1078. (SCI)
Y.-C. Chien, T.-C. Yang, K.-C. Hung, C.-C. Li, J.-W. Xu, J.-H. Wu (2018.11) Effects of heat treatment on the chemical compositions and thermal decomposition kinetics of Japanese cedar and beech wood. Polymer Degradation and Stability, 158:220-227. (SCI)
T.-C. Yang (2018.9) Effect of extrusion temperature on the physico-mechanical Properties of unidirectional wood fiber-reinforced polylactic acid composite (WFRPC) components using fused deposition modeling. Polymers, 10(9):976. (SCI)
T.-C. Yang, T.-Y. Lee (2018.8) Effects of density and heat treatment on the physico-mechanical properties of unidirectional round bamboo stick boards (UBSBs) made of Makino bamboo (Phyllostachys makinoi). Construction and Building Materials, 187:406-413. (SCI)
C.-W. Huang, T.-C. Yang, T.-L. Wu, K.-C. Hung, J.-H. Wu (2018.7) Effect of maleated polypropylene content on the extended creep behavior of wood-polypropylene composites using the stepped isothermal method and stepped isostress method. Wood Science and Technology, 152(5):1313-1330. (SCI)
C.-W. Huang, T.-C. Yang, K.-C. Hung, J.-W. Xu, J.-H. Wu (2018.4) The effect of maleated polypropylene on the non-isothermal crystallization kinetics of wood fiber-reinforced polypropylene composites. Polymers, 10(4):382. (SCI)
C.-Y. Hsu, T.-C. Yang, T.-L. Wu, K.-C. Hung, J.-H. Wu (2018.4) Effects of a layered structure on the physicomechanical properties and extended creep behavior of bamboo-polypropylene composites (BPCs) determined by the stepped isostress method. Holzforschung, 72(7):589-597. (SCI)
C.-Y. Hsu, T.-C. Yang, T.-L. Wu, K.-C. Hung, J.-H. Wu (2018.1) The influence of bamboo fiber content on the non-isothermal crystallization kinetics of bamboo fiber-reinforced polypropylene composites (BPCs). Holzforschung, 72(4):329-336. (SCI)
K.-C. Hung, H. Yeh, T.-C. Yang, T.-L. Wu, J.-W. Xu, J.-H. Wu (2017.12) Characterization of wood-plastic composites made with different lignocellulosic materials that vary in their morphology, chemical composition, and thermal stability. Polymers, 9(12):726. (SCI)
楊登鈞、楊欣諭 (2017.9) 徑向梯度特性對竹材機械及柔韌性質之影響。林業研究季刊 39(3):209-218。
K.-C. Hung, C.-N. Yang, T.-C. Yang, T.-L. Wu, Y.-L. Chen, J.-H. Wu (2017.4) Characterization and thermal stability of acetylated slicewood production by alkali-catalyzed esterification. Materials, 10(4):393. (SCI)
T.-C. Yang, Y.-C. Chien, T.-L. Wu, K.-C. Hung, J.-H. Wu (2017.3) Effects of heat-treated wood particles on the physico-mechanical properties and extended creep behavior of wood/recycled-HDPE composites using the time-temperature superposition principle. Materials, 10(4):365. (SCI)
T.-C. Yang, T. Noguchi, M. Isshiki, J.-H. Wu (2016) Effect of titanium dioxide particles on the surface morphology and the mechanical properties of PVC composites during QUV accelerated weathering. Polymer Composites, 37:3391-3397. (SCI)
T.-C. Yang, T.-L. Wu, K.-C. Hung, Y.-L. Chen, J.-H. Wu (2015) Mechanical properties and extended creep behavior of bamboo fiber reinforced recycled poly(lactic acid) composites using the time-temperature superposition principle. Construction and Building Materials, 93:558-563. (SCI)
T.-C. Yang, T.-L. Wu, K.-C. Hung, T.-M. Wu, J.-H. Wu* (2015) A comparison of annealing process and nucleating agent (zinc phenylphosphonate) on the crystallization, viscoelasticity, and creep behavior of compression-molded poly(lactic acid) blends. Polymer Degradation and Stability, 121: 230-237. (SCI)
T.-C. Yang, T. Noguchi, M. Isshiki, J.-H. Wu (2014) Effect of titanium dioxide on chemical and molecular changes in PVC sidings during QUV accelerated weathering. Polymer Degradation and Stability, 104:33-39. (SCI)
C.-N. Yang, K.-C. Hung, T.-L. Wu, T.-C. Yang, Y.-L. Chen, J.-H. Wu (2014) Comparisons and characteristics of slicewood acetylation with acetic anhydride by liquid phase, microwave and vapor phase reactions. BioResources, 9:6463-6475. (SCI)
T.-C. Yang, J.-H. Wu, T. Noguchi, M. Isshiki (2014) Methodology of accelerated weathering test through physicochemical analysis for polymeric materials in building construction. Materials Research Innovations, 18:S91-S95. (SCI)
錢易琦、楊登鈞、洪克昌、吳志鴻 (2013) 熱處理對柳杉及山毛櫸平切單板之物理機械性質影響。林產工業,32(4):213-226
Academic Conferences (14篇國際會議, 13篇國內會議)

Yang, T.-C., and Y.-C. Chien (2024, Mar) Recycling of 3D printed wood-PLA composite parts using fused filament fabrication. The 74th Annual Meeting of the Japan Wood Research Society, Kyoto, Japan.
束僑瑄、楊祐瑄、楊登鈞。添加杉木纖維對水泥乾燥收縮及機械性質之影響。台灣混凝土學會 2023 年混凝土工程研討會,台北,台灣,2023年12月。
葉晉豪,楊登鈞。添加鹼處理桂竹纖維對水泥砂漿機械性質之影響。中華林學會 110森林資源永續發展研討會,嘉義,台灣,2021年10月。
C.-H. Yeh, T.-C. Yang。Effects of chemical composition and thermal properties of waste bamboo fibers made of various bamboo species on characteristic properties of a thermoplastic composite。中華林學會 109森林資源永續發展研討會,台中,台灣,2020年11月。
C.-H. Yeh, T.-C. Yang (2020, July) Characteristic Properties of 3D-printed Wood/Polylactic Acid Composites with Different Extrusion Temperatures using Fused Deposition Modeling. SWST 63rd- Renewable Resources for a Sustainable and Healthy Future, Slovenia. (Virtual conference)
Yang, T.-C., and T.-Y. Lee (2018, Nov) Characterization of unidirectional bamboo boards made of heat-treated bamboo sticks with PF resin. 2018 Joint Convention-Era of Sustainable World- Tradition and Innovation for Wood Science and Technology, Nagoya, Japan.
Yang, T.-C., and T.-Y. Lee (2018, Mar) Effects of density on the physico-mechanical properties of unidirectional round makino bamboo (Phyllostachys makinoi) stick boards. The 68th Annual Meeting of the Japan Wood Research Society, Kyoto, Japan.
Yang, T.-C., Y.-C. Chien and J.-H. Wu (2017, Sep) Effects of three-layered structure on the physicomechanical and creep properties of bamboo fiber-reinforced polypropylene composites. 20th International Conference on Composite Structures, Paris, France.
Wu, J.-H., T.-C. Yang and Y.-C. Chien (2017, Sep) Effects of heat-treated wood particles on the physicomechanical properties and extended creep behavior of wood-plastic composites. 20th International Conference on Composite Structures, Paris, France.
Yang, T.-C., C.-Y. Hsu and J.-H. Wu (2017, Mar) Effects of bamboo fiber content o non-isothermal crystallization behavior of bamboo fiber-reinforced PP composites. The 67th Annual Meeting of the Japan Wood Research Society, Fukuoka, Japan.
Yang, T.-C., Y.-C. Chien and J.-H. Wu (2016, Mar). Effects of heat-treated (Cryptmoeria japonica) particles on the mechanical and creep properties of recycled HDPE composites. The 66th Annual Meeting of the Japan Wood Research Society, Nagoya, Japan.
Wu, J.-H., T.-C. Yang, T.-L. Wu and K.-C. Hung (2015, Mar). Effect of nucleating agent (zinc phenylphosphonate) on the crystallization, viscoelasticity, and creep behavior of compression-molded polylactide composites. The 65th Annual Meeting of the Japan Wood Research Society, Tokyo, Japan.
Yang, T.-C, T.-L. Wu, K.-C. Hung and J.-H. Wu (2015, Mar). Dynamic viscoelastic and extended creep behavior of bamboo fiber-recycled poly(lactic acid) composites using time-temperature superposition principle (TTSP). International Symposium on Wood Science and Technology 2015, Tokyo, Japan.
楊登鈞,吳東霖,吳志鴻。苯基磷酸鋅成核劑對聚乳酸複合材料結晶度、黏彈性質及潛變性質之影響。中華林學會 103年森林資源永續發展研討會,台中,台灣,2014年5月。
Yang, T.-C., T.-L. Wu and J.-H. Wu* (2014, Mar). Creep prediction of bamboo-polylactic acid composites by time-temperature superposition principle. The 64th Annual Meeting of the Japan Wood Research Society, Ehime, Japan.
Yang, T.-C. (2013, Oct). Improvement of accelerated weathering test through physicochemical analysis for polymeric materials in building construction. 2013 International Applied Science and Precision Engineering Conference, Taiwan.
楊登鈞,吳志鴻。二氧化鈦的添加對聚氯乙烯建築外壁板加速耐候性質之影響。中華林學會 102年森林資源永續發展研討會,台北,台灣,2013年10月。
Yang, T.-C., M.-M. Chen and W.-C. J. Wei (2013, May). FEASIBILITY STUDY ON INTEGRITY AND DESIGN OF PORTABLE SOFC USING BUTANE GAS. 1st JAPAN-TAIWAN workshop on Materials Design and Joining, Osaka, Japan.