Biomaterial Structural Design Lab.


國科會 (National Science and Technology Council: MOST)
研製及回收再利用 (Development and recycling of environmentally-friendly and
functional 3D printing biocomposite filaments made of waste wood
fibers and polylactic acid (PLA)), 執行時間:2022.8~2023.7 -
國產桂竹作為結構用建材的可行性:利用圓斷面束狀竹條研發新型單向竹構件 (A feasibility of domestic Makino bamboo as a structural building material: Development of a new-type unidirectional bamboo member using round bamboo sticks), 執行時間:2019.8~2022.7
利用熔融沉積成型3D列印環保型木粉/聚乳酸複合材之結構設計與特性 (Structural design and characteristics of 3D-printed eco-friendly wood/Poly-lactic acid composites using fused disposition modeling(FDM)), 執行時間:2018.8~2019.7
新型輕質竹片/聚乙烯積層複合材之研製、疲勞性質及有限元素模型 (Development, fatigue properties and finite element model of a novel light-weight bamboo strip/polyethylene composite laminate), 執行時間:2017.8~2018.7
梯度功能型竹結構綠建材有限元素數值模型之建立 (Modeling and characteristics of the functionally graded bamboo structure as a green building material using finite element method), 執行時間:2016.8~2017.7